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Announcement ::: thread crisis / suspended blends (June 2024)

Dear friends of ZipLine,

Over the last year we’ve made some subtle announcements regarding a thread stock crisis that we’ve been struggling with for nearly two years. Regretfully, this issue has forced us to pump the breaks on several new projects and even discontinue production of various strings in order to reserve our choice threads for our signature string blends. Our temporary solution was to ration these specific thread types for as long as possible while giving it our best effort to fix this issue before making any drastic changes, but we now find ourselves at a crossroads.

So what exactly is this thread crisis? Most notably, we’ve been having issues with a couple of very important thread types, which we use for many of our signature string blends. These issues range from serious fluctuations in quality to various production inconsistencies (weight, coarseness, strength, elasticity, color, etc..) It’s been a constant roller coaster, and we’ve invested countless hours testing every thread brand and every thread type under the sun to find adequate replacements.

Unfortunately, after a couple years of fighting this uphill battle and rationing our choice thread stock for as long as possible, our reserves are now depleted. And with that being said, after our June 7th “string restock” we will be suspending production of the following list of string blends until our thread crisis has either been fully resolved or after a final determination is made that it cannot be resolved. We promise that we are working tirelessly on this issue, but we no longer have the supplies necessary to continue producing the following string blends in their current formulas:

  • Signature Plus 
  • Smoothie Edition
  • World of Color
  • EP.20/20
  • Scales Edition (Smoothie and EP.20/20)
  • GT13
  • CS50
  • Accel
  • Prestige
  • G2 Diamond Blend

***direct link to suspended blends***

These incredible blends were some of our finest work and some of our most cherished achievements in string making. They were the result of amazing collaborations and countless hours of experimentation and revisions before receiving our stamp of approval. Quality is extremely important to us, and there’s just no possible way for us to recreate all of these choice blends without the exact ingredients or without new materials that can match or supersede the original quality for each string. Furthermore, we honestly just do not have the time, energy or recourses available to tackle such a list - all at once. And with much regret, June 7th (6pm MT) will be the final restock of these precious gems until further notice.

Note: some of these blends are already in the process of being reinvented and others are still awaiting replacement materials and the time necessary to prototype, but these things take time - lot’s and lot’s of time to get perfect. There’s a saying that goes, “it might NOT be easy, but it WILL be worth it!” So we’ll keep at it, and we promise to keep you updated as we have more news. We greatly appreciate all of your support throughout this process.

With much love and many thanks, 

Jeremy and the rest of the ZipLine fam -
(Danielle, Kaylee, and Adysen).